Before and After picures of SMP customer with scarring alopecia.

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Great Option for Thinning Hair

Are you tired of wearing hats or extensions to hide thinning hair? If so, scalp micropigmentation (SMP) may be the perfect solution for you. SMP is sometimes referred to as a “scalp tattoo” and it involves a technician using a specialized machine with tiny needles to deposit pigment into the skin of the scalp. This procedure is designed to give the appearance of fullness and coverage in areas of thinning or balding. In this blog post, we'll discuss who is a good candidate for SMP and why they should consider giving SMP a try.

Who Should Get Scalp Micropigmentation?
Anyone who is experiencing hair loss or thinning due to age, genetics, or medical conditions such as alopecia areata can benefit from scalp micropigmentation. Additionally, anyone who wants to fill in bald spots or other areas where their natural hair has begun to thin can also find great benefits from SMP. One unique thing about this service is that it can be used on both men and women!

How Does Scalp Micropigmentation Work?
The artist performing your SMP will use a machine that looks like a tattoo gun but instead of ink being injected its pigment. The depth at which the pigment will be applied varies from 0.3-1.2 mm, so that it appears natural without going too deep into the skin layer and causing permanent damage. Depending on your desired results, you may need multiple sessions spaced out over a few weeks or months in order for your technician to achieve the desired look and density of coverage you want.

Is Scalp Micropigmentation Permanent?
In most cases, no; however, some artist may go beyond 1.2 mm when performing scalp micropigmentation which can cause the results to become permanent if not done correctly with sterile needles and proper pigments (which all reputable artists will do). The best way to ensure that your SMP treatments are temporary is by finding an experienced artist who specializes in this service and only goes the suggest 0.3-1.2mm deep into the skin. Any more than that and you'll have yourself a "hair tattoo."

For those looking for more coverage in areas where their natural hair has thinned out or even gone completely bald, scalp micropigmentation might be just what they need! It's important to carefully research local technicians before booking any appointments to make sure they're experienced with this service specifically so that they get the best results possible without risking any permanent damage being done to their scalp. We hope this blog post has given you an understanding of how SMP works and why it might be right for you! Good luck!

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