Habits for Healthy Hair and Scalp | Do's and Don'ts

Habits for Healthy Hair and Scalp | Do's and Don'ts

Your hair is a important part of your identity, and it's in your best interest to ensure that it grows healthy and strong. Taking proper care of your scalp is essential for maintain healthy hair growth — from using the proper products to being aware of damaging habits — there are many steps you can take to keep your scalp protected and nourished. In this post, we'll discuss some key do's and don’ts for taking care of your hair and scalp so that you can enjoy long-lasting, healthy locs.

As a licensed stylist for over 20 years and a sufferer of hair loss, from mistakes I made with my own hair before becoming a professional and what my clients share with me, I learned a lot! What I've learned is that we can do some pretty weird ish to our hair and scalp not realizing the damage it can cause that can sometimes be permanent! If you're reading this and you notice something on here you're still doing, stop it RIGHT NOW!

Here are some simple Do's and Don'ts when it comes to scalp care:

1. Shampoo your hair regularly, it helps remove dirt, oil, and other build-up that can clog your pores and lead to scalp inflammation.

2. Use a mild non toxic shampoo. When choosing a shampoo, look for one that is labeled “mild” or “gentle.” These shampoos are less likely to strip your hair of its natural oils, since they are free of harsh chemicals.

3. Massage your scalp. Massaging your scalp helps to increase blood flow to the area, which can promote healthy hair growth.

4. Give you scalp time to breathe, buy removing all extensions and other methods of protective styling within 1-2 months time.

1.Don't over wear protective styles. Protective styles are great for the hair but can be awful for the scalp. Especially if you have scalp conditions like psoriasis or dermatitis. It may be possible to cause hair loss.

2. Don't apply chemical services without using a protectant on the scalp.

3. Don't scratch your scalp. Scratching your scalp can damage your hair follicles and lead to hair loss. That bobby pin or rat tail comb you use to get that itch under your weave, THROW IT AWAY!

4. Don't overdo it with styling products. Some products, like many chemical services are responsibe for CCCA a scarring type of hair loss, so be mindful of how much and how often you apply certain products.

So, after skimming through the do's and don'ts of hair loss and managing a healthier scalp and head of hair, you should now be able to confidently and style with knowledge. Not only that, you'll be feeling a whole lot better about your hair. Just remember to be gentle on your scalp, take good care of your hair, apply scalp treatments as required, and keep up with regular visits to the trichologist. And if it’s scalp irritation or inflammation you have been struggling with in particular – why not try out the Tri Cre Antifungal Bundle? A little over-the-counter love often goes a long way! Who knew looking after your locks could be so much fun? Good luck on your journey of healthy hair!

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